===== Air Munitions Asset Class Codes ===== ==== Munition - Air to Air ==== This is necessary to identify which of the SCL's munitions can be used in an air to air adjudication. ==== Munition - Air to Ground ==== This is used to identify which munitions can be used for an air-to-ground or air-to-surface adjudication. Then why is there a table called A2G_MUNITION_TYPE? That table is unused and will be deleted in a future release. ==== Munition - Cruise Missile ==== This identifier is used to designate those munitions which need to be planned to fly out as cruise missiles (whether air, ground, surface or sub-launched). These then refer to the AIR_CM_PLTFRM_MUN_ASSOC table to determine what the appropriate air asset (ie. cruise missile body) is which will be planned. ==== Munition - Antiradiation ==== This is used to identify those munitions which can be used to react to an attempted S2A adjudication. While I have not yet verified this experimentally, it should be possible to include an AR munition in a cruise missile SCL. ==== Munition - Explicitly Adjudicated Torpedo ==== This is used to identify air-launched torpedoes which can perform ASW adjudication. Additionally, BSEs with SubsurfaceC2 (submarines) can use these munitions for ship or submarine adjudication. ==== General ==== Not used. Any air munitions of this class will not be employed. Note: Air-deployed mines are not implemented in JAS. Any mines with AMMOAIR genre are unused, so their asset class is irrelevant.