===== How does refueling at a FARP work? ===== Helos refuel on arrival at the FARP (in min time, since they’re not rearming), and don’t consume fuel in the FARP. This captures the behavior of shutting down and "cocking" the aircraft for a scramble launch. A scramble launch takes about 5 minutes in real life. To account for that delay would involve either (a) add a new data element, (b) hard code it, or (c) have them use the ADP Alert 1 launch delay. Since none of those are good solutions, instead they take off with no delay, full of fuel. The intent is that, worst case, Flights would/could go to cockpit alert when they are next in line to launch. In any case, the current implementation has no time delay, so this is no different. Plus, this avoids needless rejected vectors.