===== How does SEAD work? ===== Users have 3 different SEAD missions which they can employ: JamSEADStandoff, LSEADStandoff and LSEADStrike. "SEAD points", or orbit locations/altitudes/quantities are defined as desired for routes leading into target areas in the ACO plan. [Note: SEAD points are not yet defined as named orbits in the ACO%%--%%which is normally a prerequisite for AR%%--%%but SEAD Flights will use the anchor associated with their route to air refuel.] How much SEAD is required is defined by the user, and no (non-Assumed Risk) platforms can use the route for a Push unless the required amount of SEAD is available. [Exception: LSEADStrike is "optional" in the sense that a Push] can still be planned & executed even if the required amount is not met.] If a route has either no SEAD points assigned to it, or has SEAD points with a required quantity of 0, then no SEAD will be planned for that route. It is not necessary to have one of each of the 3 kinds of orbits; likewise, it is possible to have more than one of each. If the required amount of SEAD is available a Push (using both Assumed Risk and non-Assumed Risk aircraft) can be planned for that route and target area. * __JamSEADStandoff__. The jammer platform will attempt to jam AQ and FC radars from its orbit location. S2A engagements will be conducted using the effective jammed range of the AQ & FC radars. Users should be aware that jamming is very sensitive to range from the radar, so even though it isn’t an escort mission, users should attempt to place the orbits as close to the radar as possible. The jammer acts as the SEAD controller (SEADWCU) which will assign other SEAD assets to engage with ARM missiles from their orbit locations, or vector LSEADStrike assets to attack the radar. There is no requirement for the SEADWCU to even be a valid jammer aircraft; any platform with the SEADWCU plugin can play the role. * __LSEADStandoff__. These assets are normally thought of as "HARM shooters", shooting from the orbit location, but if they are assigned the SEADWCU plugin they can act as SEAD controller in the absence of a jammer. * __LSEADStrike__. These platforms can drop employ (i.e. drop) other munitions than just HARMs when they are vectored to engage the target. Again, if there are not enough LSEADStrike aircraft available (as defined by the user), that will not preclude a Push from being planned. SEAD missions are planned prior to the JTCB strike Flights. If there are not enough strikers (or targets in the area are low enough priority), then the Push will not be fully planned, and the SEAD are then "unplanned" as reported in the Air ATO Gen Order Cx instrument. Note: If there are not enough SEAD aircraft to support a Push, the (non-Assumed Risk) strike Flights will attempt to be planned within the Push Periods to take advantage of mass. They will be reported in the Air ATO Gen In Push instrument. This allows users a measure of control over the time periods for when strikes will occur. SEAD missions will be planned to arrive on orbit 15 minutes prior to the push period, and will depart 15 minutes after the end of the push period. This allows the first and last S2A adjudications to be against the SEAD missions, rather than JTCB strike Flights. However, users must understand that the endurance of the SEAD platforms must be able to support this requirement, or SEAD missions (and Pushes) will be affected. For more info, see "[How do I set up pushes?-]" (FAQ 20).