===== How do standoff SCLs work? ===== Flights with an SCL containing multiple munitions will standoff at a distance from the target equal to the greatest standoff distance listed for the SCL in SCL_Weapon. All munitions planned against the target will be applied/adjudicated from that point%%--%%even the ones with shorter standoff range%%--%%as if the Flight had flown to the standoff range for each of the munitions. For example, if the AGM-123 had a standoff range of 20 km and the GBU-3x has a standoff range of 10 km, the Flight will plan and fly to a point along its flight path 20 km from that target, call the adjudicator, and apply all of its applicable munitions from that point. //How does the Flight know to plan to fly to a standoff location, rather than overflight?// The "Standoff" Y/N flag (in SCL_Weapon table) for one of the munitions in the SCL is set to "Y". //What if the Standoff flag is "N", but the Standoff distance is set to some value > 0?// The Flight will plan to overfly the target, rather than standoff from the target. //What standoff distance will the Flight use?// The greatest of the standoff distances in the SCL. NOTE: For standoff SCLs, any munition with a Nil value for standoff range **will cause the simulation to break**. When comparing standoff ranges to determine standoff distance, comparing a positive distance to a Nil will cause a break.