===== How do I set up pushes? ===== Pushes are associated with [SEAD-] (FAQ 17). Push times are scheduled in the Annex C, Air Operations, Push Periods GUI. Select the desired Phase and State, and then click "new" in the right field. The push periods created will occur on each day of this Phase and State. As many push periods can be created and named as needed; naming then "Push 1, 2, 3" etc. may help in keeping track of them. The first possible TOT for a Planning Cycle is the planning cycle start time plus the TOT Offset (as entered on ATO Cycle Parameters page). The Push Periods are offset from that time (as shown in the figures below): //How many pushes should there be?// * There should be a push for each launch block squadrons allocated to JTCB strike missions have. * Defining more pushes than available SEAD assets can support has two side effects: 1) Users have less control over and insight into which of the push periods will actually have pushes planned. Other activities intended to coincide with a push (ex. preassigned missions, or a DCA "escort" mission) may become obsolete. 2) Too many pushes may "water down" the effect of mass on overwhelming the opponent’s defenses. For more information about ATO Cycle Parameters, see "ATO Timeline.ppt" on the web page.