=====JAS Air FAQ===== - [[UnderstandingTimeInJAS|Understanding Time in JAS]] - [[BlockPlanningForDCA|Block Planning for DCA]] - [[DifferenceBetweenBlockAndSpecifiedPlannedDCA|How do I tell the difference between Block and Specified planned DCA?]] - [[HowDoflightsGetPlannedToFfillDCAOrbits|How do flights get planned to fill DCA orbits?]] - [[DifferenceBetweenAlert1AndAlert2|What is the difference between Alert 1 and Alert 2?]] - [[TellDifferenceBetweenAlert1AndAlert2|How can I tell the difference between Alert 1 and Alert 2?]] - [[HintsOnPlanningDCAAlertLevel1|Hints On Planning DCA Alert Level 1]] - [[WhatDoesDCAAlertDoDuringScrambleExecution?|What does DCA Alert do during scramble execution?]] - [[HintsOnADPConstruction|Hints on ADP construction?]] - [[SimBreakOnA2AAttackingGroundBSE|Why do I get a sim break on A2A attacking a ground BSE?]] - [[HighResolutionAirRefuelingPlanning|Hints on High Resolution Air Refueling (Hi Res AR) planning?]] - [[WhyDoMyFlightsGetCanceled|Why do my flights get canceled?]] - [[HowtoCloseTheBase|If I want to close the base for a while, how can I do that?]] - [[IsThereALandingDelay?|Is there a landing delay?]] - [[WhyDontCruiseMissilesKillAnything|Why don’t some of my cruise missiles kill anything?]] - [[WhyDoTooManyCruiseMissilesFly|Why do I have (insert number) cruise missiles in a particular Air Unit, but that Air Unit fires (insert greater number) cruise missiles during the campaign]] - [[HowDoesGPSJammingWork|How does GPS jamming work?]] - [[HowDoesJammingASAMSiteWork|How does jamming a SAM site work?]] - [[HowDoesSeadWork|How does SEAD work?]] - [[HowtoSetupPushes|How do I set up pushes?]] - [[HowDoesThreatAssessmentWork|How does Threat Assessment work?]] - [[WhyDoesTheModelTargetAnotherBseAtTheSameLocation|Why is it that if I deliberately try to target one BSE (ex. a facility), sometimes the model will insist on targeting another BSE at the same location?]] - [[WhatIsPerceivedDamageLevel|What is "Perceived Damage Level"?]] - [[HowtoViewInstrumentsWhileSimIsRunning|How do I view my instruments while the sim is running?]] - [[WhatIsReserve|What is "Reserve"]] - [[WhyAreAirUnitSortiesInLaunchInventoryButNotInTheAllocationInventory|Why does my Air Unit’s sorties show up in the Launch Inventory, but not in the Allocation Inventory?]] - [[WhyAreLaunchBlockEndTimesBeforeLaunchlockBeginTimes|Why do I have launch block "end" times which are before my launch block "begin" times?]] - [[WhyDoesAirUnitStatusReportShowNoAircraftLeftWhenAllButOneWasKilled|Why does my Air Unit Status Report show no aircraft left, though I can only account for killing all but one?]] - [[HowDoesTheTPFDDWork|How does the TPFDD work?]] - [[WhyDoesntMyTPFDDDeliveredSquadronFly|Why doesn’t my TPFDD-delivered squadron fly?]] - [[WhyDoesntMyTPFDDDeliveredSquadronFlyTheCorrectNumberOfSorties|Why doesn’t my TPFDD-delivered squadron fly the correct number of sorties?]] - [[WhatDoesTPFDDPrefModeAMean|What does TPFDD Pref Mode "A" mean?]] - [[HowtoMoAirUnitToNewLocation|How do I move/relocate an air unit (squadron) to a new location?]] - [[WhyDontMyTargetsGetPlanned|Why don’t my targets get planned?]] - [[HowtoPlanPreassignedMissions|How do I plan Preassigned Missions (PMs)?]] - [[DoPMsAirRefuel|Do PMs Air Refuel?]] - [[ADPOrbitPreferredPlatformShows2AircraftButOnly1SortiePerFlight| My ADP orbit Preferred Platform list shows an asset quantity of 2 aircraft per orbit, but one of my platforms is planned with only 1 sortie per Flight. Why?]] - [[AlcmHints|Hints on Air Launched Cruise Missiles?]] - [[HowDoStandoffSCLsWork|How do standoff SCLs work?]] - [[HowDoesSCLStandoffDistancePlatformSensorRangeAffectOverflyTargeting|How does an SCL’s standoff distance and the platform’s sensor range affect "overfly" targeting?]] - [[HowDoesSCLStandoffDistancePlatformSensorRangeAffectStandoffTargeting|How does an SCL’s standoff distance and the platform’s sensor range affect "standoff" targeting?]] - [[RelationshipBetweenSCLsStandoffDistanceAndPlatformSensorRange|What is/should be the relationship between an SCL’s standoff distance, and the platform’s sensor range?]] - [[HowDoesSCLsStandoffDistanceAndpPlatformSensorRangeAffectALCMs|How does an SCL’s standoff distance and the platform’s sensor range affect ALCMs?]] - [[HowDSCLFuelPenaltyWork|How does an SCL’s Fuel Penalty work?]] - [[WhyOneSquadronGetsMissionRatherThanAnotherBothHaveSamePreference|Why doesn’t a squadron get allocated to do a mission for which it has the same preference as another squadron which __does__ get allocated to the mission?]] - [[WhatTriggersS2AEngagement|What triggers a S2A Engagement?]] - [[:AmphibWaveAdjudicationIssues|Issues with Amphibious Waves adjudication?]] - [[HowAreWeatherBandsDefined|How are Weather Bands defined?]] - [[HowAreRCSAspectsUsed|How are RCS aspects used?]] - [[HowIsRCSFactorCalculated|How is RCS Factor calculated?]] - [[WhatAreSensorProfilesUsedFor|What are the Sensor Profiles used for? ]] - [[WhatHappenedSOPDataROEDataMinConfigDataTables|What happened to the SOP Data, ROE Data & MinConfig data tables?]] - [[WhatGlimpseRadius|What is the "glimpse" radius, and what is it for?]] - [[WhatDoesSuccessNecessaryInJAOPGuiMean|In the JAOP GUI, what does "Success Necessary" mean?]] - [[WhatDoesHasBSETypesInJAOPGuiMean| In the JAOP GUI, what does "Has BSE Types" mean? ]] - [[UsageOfCategoryCodePriorityPctTargetsToAttackEtcInTCTJAOPGUI|How are Category Code, Priority, % of Targets to Attack, Required Target Damage %, and Success Necessary used in the __TCT__ JAOP GUI?]] - [[InstrumentsRelatedToJAOPAndJTCBPlanning|How about the instruments related to JAOP and JTCB planning?]] - [[WhatIsRequireDamageLevelForCAS|What is the "required damage level" for CAS?]] - [[DotransferredaircraftchangetheirstatefromOpentoRevetted|Do aircraft that are transferred to Air Ops change their state from Open to Revetted? ]] - [[whydoIseeInvalidatedInstructioninaatoexecorder|In Air ATO Exec Order Cx, why do I see an "InvalidatedInstruction" which later launches?]] - [[Howareperceivedtargetresourceitemsfusedtodetermineperceivedtargetvalue|How are perceived target resource items fused to determine perceived target value?]] - [[WhatsthedifferencebetweenanAreaandaPointmunition|What’s the difference between an "Area" and a "Point" munition?]] - [[WhatisthetargetDiscriminationFactor|What is the target Discrimination Factor?]] - [[WhatdotheA2Ginstrumentsshow|What do the A2G instruments show?]] - [[WhyIaA2GKillingLowNumberOfSomeResourceItems|Why is A2G killing 1xE-17 of some resource items?]] - [[differenceBetweenAirToGroundStrikeAndMultipleAirToGroundStrikeAMEArrivalInstrument|In the AME Arrival instrument, what’s the difference between AirToGroundStrike and MultipleAirToGroundStrike?]] - [[WhathaschangedwithA2GadjudicationinR2.0SR2.30DTRA|What has changed with A2G adjudication in R2.0SR2.30DTRA? Why does each stick report in a separate line of the Adj A2G KVS instrument?]] - [[HowdoesrefuelingataFARPwork|How does refueling at a FARP work?]] - [[What dothealtitudesintheAMEArrivalindicate|What do the altitudes in the AME Arrival indicate?]] - [[CanJTCBmissionstargetmovingtargets|Can JTCB missions target moving targets?]] - [[CanJTCBmissionsengagetargetBSEsinaNoFireZone|Can JTCB missions engage target BSEs in a NoFireZone?]] - [[CanOnCallStrikeengageaBSEincontact|Can OnCallStrike engage a BSE in contact?]] - [[HowcanshipsbeadjudicatedbyAir|How can ships be adjudicated by Air?]] - [[HowcansubmarinesbeadjudicatedbyAir|How can submarines be adjudicated by Air?]] - [[HowdoesMaRVadjudicationwork|How does MaRV (Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle) adjudication work?]] - [[What is the difference between ships in Standby vs. Standdown|What is the difference between ships in Standby vs. Standdown?]] - [[cantTellWhichShipKilledWhenA2GAdjudicationInPort|When a ship is killed by A2G adjudication in a port, why can’t I know which ship BSE was killed?]] - [[WhataltitudedoesHCAS] use|What altitude does HCAS use?]] - [[HowoftendoHCASorbitsrelocatetoMovingFARP|How often do the HCAS orbits relocate to a FARP which is moving?]] - [[WhataltitudedoesCASuseforitsorbit|What altitude does CAS use for its orbit? I can’t find where to enter an orbit altitude]] - [[WhathappensCASsortiesifairunitoutofrangeofanyCASorbit|What happens to the sorties allocated to CAS if the air unit is out of range of any CAS orbit (since they won’t be plannable)? ]] - [[DoCASalertaircraftrefuel|Do CAS alert aircraft refuel? ]] - [[doCASplanusingrangeorradiusbeforerefueling|But do they plan on using their range or their radius before refueling?]] - [[WhatisthealertCASlaunchdelay|What is the alert CAS launch delay?]] - [[doesalertcasgotoorbitortargetonlaunch|When an alert CAS Flight launches, does it go to its orbit or to the target?]] - [[Whydontmyflightsadjudicateonreachingtarget|Why don't my flights adjudicate once they reach their target?]] - [[HowdoesABLengagementbysidework|How does ABL engagement by side work?]] - [[WhattargetaltitudeisusedforS2Aadjudication|What target altitude is used for S2A adjudication]] - [[WhatarePhaseIndependentStateIndependentDEFAULT|What are PhaseIndependent, StateIndependent, and a state called "DEFAULT"?]]