===== What triggers a S2A Engagement? ===== There are two parts to this: What events will cause a Flight to register with a UnitMEZ (for consideration for future adjudication), and which ones will trigger the actual adjudication. ^Registration Events^ |Takeoff| |Intermediate Takeoff| |Enter MEZ| |MEZ Activation| |Air Launch Cruise Missiles| \\ ^S2A Adjudication Trigger Events^ |Exit MEZ| |Arrive on Orbit *| |Airdrop| |Request Landing %%**%%| |Invoke Any Adjudicator (//except A//BL)| |MEZ Deactivate| \\ In software terms, the trigger events are: //FlightGroupDied, FlightGroupAboutToAttack, FlightGroupOrbitArrive and FlightGroupAboutToLand//. * Except Amphibious waves, since their "orbit" is really a placeholder for "delay on ground for a timeperiod to offload". Unsure about HCAS/HCASWC %%**%% Again, since Amphibious waves did not //request// intermediate landing, they didn’t trigger S2A adjudication. Unsure about HCAS/HCASWC See [FAQ-] 47