~~ODT~~ ====== Jas dlls ====== ===== 2025 01 30 ===== * the image I have been working with has been 64 bits all along, so I wasted my time trying to recreate a 32 bit dll using vs 2015 * I was once able to read pamresources.dll with this image, but I can no longer do so. * I thought I corrupted the original dlls.icx, so I created dlls2 and dlls3 images * neither one works even if I run just once after importing the needed maps. * I mis-spelled aModuleName := 'pamRebbbsources.dll' and dlls.ws still ran to completion. * I renamed pamresouces.dll to pamXXXresources.dll in the progFiles *x64) directy and dlls.ws still ran * class variable iconCache in PamIcon starts off as and empty LookupTable. * To do: run dlls.ws in a good Jas Dev JSO x86 image. ===== 2025 01 28 ===== * used res hacker to dump contents of the good pamresources.dll to pamresources.rc * edited pamresources.rc and commented out the first line about LANGUAGE * following this https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/5349617/Creating-a-Resource-Only-DLL * created a new project that is a dll and an empty project. saved it. * add - > existing item added pamresources.rc * under Project -> propertied -> linker -> advanced chnnged entry point to NOENTRY * build solution created a new win32project3.dll of size 168 kb that looks ok in Res Hacker * but the good pamresources.dll is 245K. * the dlls.ws not longer works. I think I toasted my image. * TO DO: use a jas open image and force a reload of the dll. * modify PamHolder class>>loadModuleNamed: aModuleName notifyWindow: aWindow ===== 2025 01 23 ===== * Several days of trying to get VS 2022 to do anything dll got nowhere. * Downloaded and installed VS 2025 which has a simpler interface and some Internet help I found. * Both VS installs take hours with no visual updates. * But VS 2015 does not display some of the screens necessary to create a project. I suspect this is a Win 11 problem, The solution is a Win 7 or a Win 8 machine which could be used in the future. * VS 2015 would not install on Chuck's Vista machine. Vista is between XP and 7. * VS 2015 did install on my Lenovo with Win 8.1. * VS 2015 needs two files documented in picture vs2015.png in C:\Users\donald\Pictures\000craigslist. * created a pamresources.dll using VS 2015 and the non-Smalltalk source code/pamresources.rc as input. * The pamresource.dll created is NOT the same as the real on and it is NOT a resource dll. It has a menu! * Todo: try decomposing the real pamresources.dll using res hacker and the using that .rc file and the icons in VS 2015. ===== 2025 01 17 ===== * Res Hacker can save the contents of a dll to an .rc or .res file * under action, selecting save all resources saves the icons as individual files and creates an .rc file like this: //1000 ICON "ICON1000_1.ico"// * An .rc file is a Resource Script. * dlls.ws will read the 89 icons in pamresource.dll of 2007 in an x86 image. * dlls.ws does not read any icons in either the x86 or x64 dlls in an x64 image. * The x64 pamresource.dll created by the z:jas code is NOT the same and it is NOT a resource dll. It has a **menu**! * Try using the z:jas project in VS2022 on the icons and .rc files in \temp\jasDlls ===== 2025 01 16 ===== * Z:\Jas\JSO\Non-Smalltalk Source Code\pamResources C++ 2010 has a VS project file that I was able to load and upgrade * A build prodcued a 32 bit dll. * Changing the target to x64, VS produced a 64 bit dll * Need unit tests in VAST 32 and Vast 64 ===== To Do ===== * get all the dlls from a clean vast 9.2 install and identify **DONE**2025 01 17 * get all the dlls from JasDev in both progFilesx86 and programData and identify **DONE** * Look on Chuck's Vista machine for libGrib.dll and/or *.grb files * Get a list of all Jas dlls on Chuck's Vista machine. * Try to read all icons, and bitmaps in a 64 bit image using PamIconHolder class LoadModuleNamed:notify: * Run Jas in open image and put breakpoint in gribLibPath **DONE** Never hit * Run VP and confirm that ANLMagnitudes.dll, anlutils.dll, CgeoObject.dll, GeoProjections.dll, and GeoViewer.dll are used. **DONE** All but ANLMagnitudes are used by VP. * Start JasDevJso, run sim and confirm that ANLMagnitudes.dll, anlutils.dll, CgeoObject.dll, GeoProjections.dll, and GeoViewer.dll are used **DONE** none of these dlls are used by the sim. ====== Dlls ====== ===== AnlMagnitudes.dll ===== * No references in Sim, VP, or Hci code. * All run fine without it. * No source. ===== AnlUtils.dll ===== * Used by VP only. * No source ===== GcsPrimitives.dll ===== * Used by Sim. * required by JwCoordinateSystem class>readerinitWith: * There is source code at \jas\JSO\Non-Smalltalk Source Code\gcsPrimitives_A ===== CGeoObject.dll ===== * used by Video Playback to read .gis files * primitives are in GisTranslatorExternalSupport class * no source ===== GeoProjections.dll ===== * used by Video Playback. * primitives are in GeoProjectionExternalSupport class * no source ===== GeoViewer.dll ===== * used by Video Playback. * primitives are in GisTrabnslatorExternalSupport class * no source ===== jasGraphics.dll ===== * 500+ icons and bitmaps referenced by a 4 digit id starting at 1. * a symbol to id table is in a pool dictionary in PamKernel class. * Example: PamIcon fromModule 'jasGraphics.dll' id 99. * PamIconHolder class LoadModuleNamed:notify: does the load * source at \jas\JSO\Non-Smalltalk Source Code\working_jas_graphics ===== jasMapIcons.dll ===== * 700+ icons referenced by a 4 digit id starting at 1000. * a symbol to id table is in a pool dictionary in PamKernel class. * PamIconHolder class LoadModuleNamed:notify: does the load * source at \jas\JSO\Non-Smalltalk Source Code\working_jas_graphics ===== jasMilGraphics.dll ===== * 250+ bitmaps referenced by a 4 digit id starting at 1000. * a symbol to id table is in a pool dictionary in PamKernel class. * PamIconHolder class LoadModuleNamed:notify: does the load * source at \jas\JSO\Non-Smalltalk Source Code\working_jas_graphics ===== jwarsResource.dll ===== * No references in Sim, VP, or Hci code. * All run fine without it. ===== libGRIB.dll ===== * referenced in EnvironmentScenario»gribLibPath * Found libGRIB.dll from 2004, but no .grb files. * has to do with JwDataObject subclass EnvironmentScenarioParameter * sqlplus says ENV_SCENARIO_PARAM has 110 rows. * Put breakpoint in libGribPath, ran Jas, breakpoint never fired. * Dave Cedel wrote some of the original code in 2001. ===== libJSAF.dll ===== * Global Coordinate System code required by all * required by JwCoordinateSystem class>readerinitWith:. * There is source code at \jas\JSO\Non-Smalltalk Source Code\JSAF_5.24_A ===== libMI.dll ===== * Movement Infrastructure. * 24 Platform Functions defined in JwAbstractMovementInfrastructure class. * have the source. \jas\JSO\Non-Smalltalk Source Code\libmi ===== libSLAC.dll ===== * used by the sim in IlluminationServerManager. * have the source. \jas\JSO\Non-Smalltalk Source Code\slac ===== pamResources.dll ===== * 2025 01 16 * Z:\Jas\JSO\Non-Smalltalk Source Code\pamResources C++ 2010 has a VS project file that I was able to load and upgrade * A build prodcued a 32 bit dll. * Changing the target to x64, VS produced a 64 bit dll * Need unit tests in VAST 32 and Vast 64 * 250+ bitmaps referenced by a 4 digit id starting at 1000. * a symbol to id table is in a pool dictionary in PamKernel class. * Example: PamIcon fromModule: 'pamResources.dll' id: 1102. * PamIconHolder class LoadModuleNamed:notify: does the load, * source at \jas\JSO\Non-Smalltalk Source Code\working_pam ===== pg32.dll ===== * [[pg32|pg32.dll]] * used by the Hci ===== RTIVast.dll ===== * no source * Ron Painter would know ===== WindowBuilder ===== * WindowBuilder does **not** use any dlls. * Widget Kit/Business Graphics last update 2007 and requires WindowBuilder * WK/BG has only pg32.dll * Widget Kit pro uses SS32D25.DLL, EDT32D20.DLL, FCC32D15.DLL, WKSSP32.EXE & WKSSPD32.DLL ====== Apps ====== ===== Hci ===== * jasGraphics.dll * jasMapIcons.dll * jwarsResources.dll * libGrib.dll * libMI.dll * libSlac.dll * netapi32.dll * pamresources.dll * [[pg32|pg32.dll]] * RTIVast.dll ===== Jacs ===== * uses shell32.dll ===== Sim ===== * HPACTool.dll * jasGraphics.dll * jasMapIcons.dll * jwarsResources.dll * libGrib.dll * libMI.dll * libSlac.dll * netapi32.dll * pamresources.dll * [[pg32|pg32.dll]] * RTIVast.dll ===== VP ===== * ANLMagnitudes.dll * anlutils.dll * CgeoObject.dll * GeoProjections.dll * GeoViewer.dll * jasGraphics.dll * jasMapIcons.dll * jasMilGraphics.dll * pamResources.dll