====== Upgrade to 8.6.3 ======
==== To Do ====
* Recreate Oracle db with sys/jwars changed to sys/js and jwars/password changed to jas/password.
* Make Oracle passwords never expire.
* Find all Jwars strings and change them to Jas
* EtBaseTools ignores ini file setting ShouldPromptSaveOnClose. See map 7.5.0 [78] JAS C
* Finding multiple editions of same required map: put bp in loadEditionWithRequiredMaps at //all := edition withAllRequiredMaps.// inspect requiredMaps in edition. then run code below and look for duplicate names
self do: [:a |
Transcript show: '- ', a printString;cr.
a requiredMaps do: [:b|
Transcript show: ' --', b printString;cr.
b requiredMaps do: [:c |
Transcript show: ' ---', c printString;cr.
c requiredMaps do: [:d|
Transcript show: ' ----', d printString;cr.
d requiredMaps do: [:e|
Transcript show: ' -----', e printString;cr.
fix Object>>currentMethod
^self class name, '>>', (Processor activeProcess methodAtFrame: 1) selector
deleted EsAtom>>
, aCollection
^EsAtom intern: (
(String new: (self basicSize + aCollection size))
replaceFrom: 1 to: self basicSize with: self;
replaceFrom: self basicSize + 1
to: (self basicSize + aCollection size)
with: aCollection;
* deleted Number>>weeks (not sent)
* changed Number>>days to daysToHours
* delete Number (hours, minutes, seconds) and run?
* delete MouseWheelWinAdditionsApp and remove from config map
* succesfully crested and loaded jas dev jso 321a and jas packaging jacs 321b. jwrextensions was not in the map.
* JwxJacsNTHeadless packaging instructions are a sub class of abtXDSingleImagePackagingInstructions
* successfully packaged the jacs, but it was 4761m and the old one is 5237m.
* running it with (jasR20SR321 - Chuck 7.5 !!!!!) said that the sim version was 3.3 and jacs was 3.2
* (jasR20SR321 - Chuck 7.5 !!!!!) runs with the old jacs so the old jacs must be 3.3.
* 3.3 is set in JwvHCIJacsProxy>>releaseLevelModule 3/3/2009
* 3.2 is set in JwvJACSServer>>releaseLevelModuleBasedOn: 9/27/2006 WHY NO LATER KWAS version?
* in GdkServerInterface look at validateModuleReleaseLevel: aReleaseLevel for: aClientName and validateModuleReleaseLevel: aReleaseLevel for: aClientName on: aSystemName. see also releaseLevelModule.
* The mgr75.dat file I was using 635m.
* Got finalmgr75.dat from cd which is 800m+ and imported all most recent maps from mgr75.dat.
* Many newer versions of packaging.
* clean 7.5 image
* load jas dev jso 3.20
* does this install XD too? YES
* load jacs pkg (release) 9/29/2010
* package jacs
* resulting image is 6+m vs 5+m for old jacs
* new jacs can open a scenario with chuck!!
* in jas_oi, 320 has been changed and 320a seems to be MySql
* taking stock_abt and adding jas dev 3.20 to it
* commented out Jas>>auditSuccessfulLogin and JwgSimulationMonitor >>auditSimulationExecution
* changed JwgSimulationMonitor>>initWindow
system := self createSystem.
self subscribeToModules.
"Assign the various address of the other systems."
monitor: self;
uniqueId: uniqueId;
jacsServerAddress: jacsServerAddress;
environServerAddress: environServerAddress;
userId: userId.
system launch: nil
" self
execLongOperation: [:dialog |
dialog messageString: 'Initializing System'.
system launch: dialog]
message: ((String new: 70) atAllPut: $ )
title: 'JAS: Simulation Initializing ...'
allowCancel: false"
* changed
JwSimulationSystem>>launch: aDialog
DESCRIPTION : {PUBLIC} Starting point to launch the system. This system allows
a long operation dialog to be held, so that progress can be updated.
REVISIONS : 1999 Jul 10 C Wolcott Method Commented
| ip port |
"Once the system has launched register any interface subscriptions."
" self initProgressDialog: aDialog."
super launch.
" self initProgressDialog: nil."
"Don't bother continuing if there is a fatal error in the system at this point"
self hasInternalError
ifTrue: [
logError: self internalErrorString;
fatalError: self internalErrorString].
self log logInfo: ['Simulation System running on behalf of ' , userId] category: ##Initialization.
self buildReplicationDBInfo.
self jacsProxy subscribe: (subscriptionInterfaces add: JwvSimSubscriberToJacsProxy new).
ip := (self simulationServer endpoint accessibleUrls first address subStrings: $:) first.
port := (self simulationServer endpoint accessibleUrls first address subStrings: $:) last.
self jacsProxy
sendSimulationAddress: (SciSocketAddress determineInternetHost: ip) inetNtoa , ':' , port
forSimulation: self uniqueId
* changed Info: 109 Made JwgSimulationCoordinator(2/18/2017 9:20:07 AM) from JwgSimulationCoordinator R2.0 SR3.20 3.44 in JwgSimulation<< R2.0 SR3.20 3.81 >>.
Info: 110 Soly, Robert M. owns JwgSimulationCoordinator in JwgSimulation<< R2.0 SR3.20 3.81 >>
so pass on any interesting things that you do with your new edition.
Info: 109 Made JwgSimulationMonitor(2/18/2017 9:37:04 AM) from JwgSimulationMonitor R2.0 SR2.33 3.17 in JwgSimulationMonitorApp<< R2.0 SR2.33 3.15 >>.
Info: 110 Library Supervisor owns JwgSimulationMonitor in JwgSimulationMonitorApp<< R2.0 SR2.33 3.15 >>
so pass on any interesting things that you do with your new edition.
Info: 109 Made JwSimulationSystem(2/18/2017 9:37:32 AM) from JwSimulationSystem R2.0 SR3.20 in JwvSimulationSystem<< R2.0 SR3.20 >>.
Info: 110 Wolcott, Chris owns JwSimulationSystem in JwvSimulationSystem<< R2.0 SR3.20 >>
so pass on any interesting things that you do with your new edition.
* Made these ^^^^ changes
* saved to jasDev320.icx
* Did Jas open
* Oracle password has expired
* jwars has a profile of DEFAULT
* alter profile DEFAULT limit password_life_time UNLIMITED; <===== passwords never expire
* alter user jwars identified by password account unlock; <============== works
* username/password is jwars/password !!!!
* SS2011 SEA VIKING R2.0 SR3.20 0.11 runs with both old and new Jacs using runDef ? DMM 3.20 open clock only
* wHCI.icx lives in C:\Program Files (x86)\JAS\bin <======= This is packaged JAS
* repackaged jacs with xd (comm tcp/ip, oracle, external calls, windows nt). image is 6974 but runs
* Trying to package wHCI __on XD__, load Jas Pkg Sim.
* The loading JAS pkg sim fails with "the application named PlatformWidgets cannot be configured for the image."
* The names of the icx files are specified in dumperOptions
* wHCI, the name of the Windows client that talks to the Jacs, is in JwxHciNT.
* This take 30 minutes to package and the icx is 43M versus 38M original.
* Could be XP diffs Win 7.
* Icx runs and fails on same windows logging as original
* updated jas dev jso to 3.21
* load that
* see what is missing from jas pkg: sim and update it. update maps that require this map.
* start clean image
* load jas dev jso
* load jwxpackaging
* package jwxHciNt. takes 15 minutes. 10 to reduce and 5 to output a 37,392 image.
* packaged image run SS2011 SEA VIKING R2.0 SR3.20 0.11 to completion in about 6 minutes
reinstall 8.6.3
copied mgr86.dat from progdata to avast\datfiles
using new environment to create 863 maps
using file i/o NOT emsrv
9/2 fixed these
* Error: 74 Collection>>#isSequenceable cannot be added by VisualWorksCLDTCompatibility 1.0 (JAS G) because it is provided by CLDT V 8.6.3 [378].
* Error: 74 SequenceableCollection>>#lastIndexOf:ifAbsent: cannot be added by VisualWorksCLDTCompatibility<< 1.0 (JAS G) >> because it is provided by CLDT V 8.6.3 [378].
* Error: 74 SequenceableCollection>>#readStream cannot be added by VisualWorksCLDTCompatibility<< 1.0 (JAS G) >> because it is provided by CLDT V 8.6.3 [378].
* Error: 74 SequenceableCollection>>#writeStream cannot be added by VisualWorksCLDTCompatibility<< 1.0 (JAS G) >> because it is provided by CLDT V 8.6.3 [378].
* Error: 74 SequenceableCollection>>#lastIndexOf: cannot be added by VisualWorksCLDTCompatibility<< 1.0 (JAS G) >> because it is provided by CLDT V 8.6.3 [378].
* Error: 74 Number>>#isZero cannot be added by VisualWorksCLDTCompatibility<< 1.0 (JAS G) >> because it is provided by CLDT V 8.6.3 [378].
* Error: 74 Number class>>#readSmalltalkSyntaxFrom: cannot be added by VisualWorksCLDTCompatibility<< 1.0 (JAS G) >> because it is provided by CLDT V 8.6.3 [378].
* Error: 74 Number class>>#readFrom: cannot be added by VisualWorksCLDTCompatibility<< 1.0 (JAS G) >> because it is provided by CLDT V 8.6.3 [378].
* Error: 74 Object>>#isBlock cannot be added by ANLKernel, R2.0 SR0.06 because it is provided by Core V 8.6.3 [378].
* Error: 74 Block>>#isBlock cannot be added by VAANLKernel because it is provided by Core V 8.6.3 [378].
* Error: 74 Number>>#asNumber cannot be added by ANLKernelMagnitudes 1.0, JAS C because it is provided by CLDT V 8.6.3 [378].
updated Jas Pkg Instructions
updated Jas Pkg Sim Base
look at open edition of JwpMarLogisticsApp 9/3/2010
Reviewed all Jas maps. Updated using Did "Release latest apps and required maps" where necessary
and set version to 3.78a
Did "Release latest apps and required maps"
Fixed below --------------------
WkIconManager resetDefault
default := nil
JwgWindowBuilderExtensions --------------------------
start in dir is 'C:\Users\Donald\Documents\Instantiations\VA Smalltalk\863Sep03'
make this default user my documents and put all the dlls and env stuff there.
create a desktop shortcut
wtf with gdk.cat?
8/22/17 The map loads after executing EmImageBuilder cancelIfMethodsDoNotCompile: false
The latest Oracle gets loaded too