Can OnCallStrike engage a BSE in contact?

Again, actually, yes, in certain cases. All BSE movements in JAS are explicit and recorded in the Move BSE Position Update instrument. If an MTI sensor detects a moving unit it will be reported for targeting. Collection Plan and TCT Plan are key to successful engagements. NoFireZones restrictions are enforced; however, they can be made very small.

  1. Hints on employing air against ships or submarines via maritime orders?

UWSurv: There are 2 different structures for UWSurv orders: The “new” way (Conduct Undersea Search & Attack by Air II) offers more flexibility than the “old” Conduct Undersea Search & Attack by Air I. The new options available to users include the ability to prioritize the platform (preferred or exclusive) and the SCL (preferred or exclusive), in addition to just prioritizing the air unit as formerly.

Some caveats:

SWSurv: TBD.