When a ship is killed by A2G adjudication in a port, why can’t I know which ship BSE was killed?

When an aircraft is killed by A2G adjudication at an airfield (AirfieldOps facility), why can’t I know to which squadron the aircraft belonged? Good question: the short answer is--you can’t. It will be prohibitively difficult to parse, at the time of adjudication, which ship got destroyed. This is because of the complex nature of the resource accounting. In fact when the ship goes into port it doesn't hand its on-hand resource to the port. It hands the stowage resource that points to that on hand resource to the port.

When the A2G adjudication starts, the port turns itself into a set of targetable resources that are copies of the stowage resources. When a maritime platform is destroyed, it then randomly chooses among all of the stowage resources of that type and selects one. That stowage resource finds its pointer to the on-hand resource it represents, and decrements it. The on-hand resource has a trigger on it when it hits zero that asynchronously causes the ship to sink. To make a long story short, it would be extremely difficult to track deep in the resource code who killed what.

The death of the platform will be reported as part of the A2G adjudication with the port ops as both the BSE and the persistent BSE. The death of its assets and its children's assets will be reported as a Platform (for a lack of a better way to describe it) adjudication with the ship as the persistent BSE. Note that the Platform sink could apply to an indirect fire loss as well, and at the time of the sink it will be impossible to tell the difference except by looking for another adjudication at the same time. That adjudication would tell you the details of the attack.

The death of a squadron's aircraft at an installation will have the same problem. The actual decrementing will be deep in the resource code, and the squadron itself will not know about it until it asks for one and there is nothing there.