In the AME Arrival instrument, what’s the difference between AirToGroundStrike and MultipleAirToGroundStrike?

There’s two key distinctions here. First, a JTCB Flight can have a single target or it can be multi-target. Second, it can be standoff or overfly. Recall that A2G adjudication is one of the events which invokes the S2A adjudicator. Thus, if a Flight is multi-target standoff (ex. ALCMs against 8 different targets), it will fly to a single point and then adjudicate against all of them. If each of these were separate A2G adjudications, then S2A defenses would have the chance to kill our Flight that many times--all for doing a single action. So the MultipleAirToGroundStrike action permits only a single S2A adjudication against our Flight.

If, on the other hand, our Flight is multi-target overflight, each will be a separate A2G event with the potential for S2A to frustrate it. In this case, there will be multiple AirToGroundStrike entries in the AME Arrival instrument.

There is no such thing as multiple MultipleAirToGroundStrike entries; JTCB doesn’t know how to plan multiple multi-target standoff points.