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Ground Truth Sensor

What It Is

A Ground Truth Sensor (GTS) allows the JAS user to model detections without deploying assets to do the actual detection. For instance, if, in your scenario, you know that you will be able to detect the bad guys crossing some line (the Cabot Strait) with some degree of confidence, then you can use a GTS to do the actual detection without having to put a Bse with a sensor near the detection. Although GTS was originally developed to model the static underwater listening arrays deployed by some of the world's navies, it can be used to model a special satellite, CNN reports, or Humint on the ground.

How to use it

Create a GTS asset by cloning or creating an asset and then setting its class to Ground Truth Sensor. Then go to the Ground Truth Sensors pane under Sensor and add your newly created sensor by clicking New from the right click menu. The five parameters of a GTS are:

The bottom two panes control what the GTS will look for. It can see every Bse in one or more of the JAS domains, or it can see certain Bse type(s), but not both.

Add the GTS you just created to a Bse. Also add the C2/Plugin named JwGroundTruthC2.

How it works.

How it differs from other sensors
