How can submarines be adjudicated by Air?

There are two ways: UWSurv (Undersea Search & Surveillance) and LAMPS (Light Airborne Multipurpose System). And actually, LAMPS is a subset of UWSurv.

UWSurv. The UWSurv mission represents either a fixed wing (ex. P3) or helicopter on orbit (an airborne alert). They are scheduled at the request of maritime orders (ex. TOG 50.1 should conduct undersea warfare starting at hour 100 for 240 hours), and the air planning process will plan flights each day to fulfill the requirement by scheduling them to sequentially fill the orbit (much like DCA planning).

Once it arrives on orbit, it awaits direction from the subsurface commander (based on an acoustic sensor report--usually by towed or hull sonar from a surface ship--instrumented in MAR ASW SENSOR DETECTION) to vector to the reported position and search for the target. Upon arrival at the target area, the UWSurv aircraft will lay out a search sonobuoy pattern; upon detection of the target, the aircraft will move to the target’s location and either lay out a localization sonobuoy pattern or engage the target.

Limitations: The Air ATO Exec AME Arrival instrument shows the aircraft hopping from one orbit location to another as it “homes in on” the target. Unfortunately, it doesn’t give any indication of how the orbit location was determined, and it doesn’t show anything representing the target engagement (ex. AirToSubsurfaceStrike).

Unknowns: To what point will the aircraft vector--reported position of the target, or projected position? How does it decide how many aircraft to vector? How does the aircraft determine it needs to lay out a localization sonobuoy pattern, or that it’s “close enough” to engage? If one expends all its munitions, does it go home? Does it remain on orbit ready to deploy its sonobuoys? When it expends all, does another Flight launch to backfill the orbit?

LAMPS. The LAMPS mission represents a shipborne helicopter which is on alert awaiting to “pounce” on an ASW target. This initial implementation was not fully developed, so they are not formally scheduled on “alert”, and the user can’t require a certain number to be on alert. On the other hand, this process allows each aircraft to launch multiple times per day (unconstrained by launch blocks), representing the helo returning to the ship to quick-turn as needed for a new target. These sorties are not preplanned in ATO planning, but are generated during execution, with each of the launches using a new ATO Instruction ID in the ATO Gen (planned, instrumented, and executed all at the same time) in this ITO (Immediate Tasking Order) process.

The concept of LAMPS is analogous to HCAS, where a single aircraft (i.e. each sortie) can do multiple launches/strikes/landings all as part of the same mission. Currently each subsequent launch is issued a new ATO instruction. The typical air planning constraints on sorties per day (aircraft authorized/on hand, sortie rates, launch blocks, etc.) are not currently used; controls and constraints are provided through maritime orders.

Unfortunately, there’s not much else documented for LAMPS. The section below provides empirical observations about the behavior (if not the design) of LAMPS, and highlights many of the limitations or unknowns in the planning, execution, adjudication and instrumentation.

LAMPS Summary: What appears to be happening is:

LAMPS issues for future design/development: