How do flights get planned to fill DCA orbits?

Each orbit is prioritized from 1 - 100 (100 highest priority). The highest priority orbit is planned first, filling the requirements as fully as possible (across the launch blocks), and only then moving on to plan the next orbit. It is important that the Asset Quantity (i.e. the number of sorties required for that zone) be set to a multiple of the minAME size, or the zone coverage will not be planned. In other words, if the minAME size is 2, then that asset will be unable to fill the orbit if the Asset Quantity is odd. In that case, make sure the desired aircraft platform to fill that orbit has an odd minAME (ex. 1).

The table below provides examples of how planning is conducted for each orbit (for Block & Specified planning). In this example, the minAME is 2, and maxAME is 4:

Quantity Required DCA Planning Result
1 None
2 1 Flight of 2 sorties
3 None
4 1 Flight of 4 sorties
5 None
6 1 Flight of 4 sorties*1 Flight of 2 sorties*
7 None
8 2 Flights of 4 sorties*