If I want to close the base for a while, how can I do that?

Removing the JwAirOpsC2 plugin doesn’t work. First, the JwAirOpsC2 plugin has to belong to the installation. But using the knowledge base to remove plugins doesn’t work for JwAirOpsC2 plugin (even though it is an option in the picklist), it only works for plugins like FARP, Fire Support, CAS, Supply, etc.

Deactivating the base’s BSE doesn’t work. The knowledge base only allows for deactivating land units (despite the appearance in the picklist).

One way that does work is using the knowledge base to direct all the base’s air units (squadrons) to [move-] (see FAQ 33) to their starting points (ex. from Base X to Base X), but with a delay of the time period desired. Even though the base itself won’t be closed, flights already planned will cancel and no other flights will be planned for during that intervening time.