How do I move/relocate an air unit (squadron) to a new location?

if [ { currentTime } = 0.0]

then true

During the duration of the air unit’s move to the new location all launches will cancel, and all Flights will return to land at the squadron’s original location when they launched. As soon as the relocation is complete, and the squadron registers with the JFACC, flying can resume if all the normal criteria are met (range, fuel, munitions, weather, runway, etc), with launches and landings from the new location (as shown in AME Arrival and video playback). Expect to see many of the remaining takeoffs for that day's flights to cancel (AIR_ATO_EXEC_ORDER_CX) for “LaunchBaseAndOrTgtMovedOutOfRange”, since the squadron is now in a different location than when the flights were planned (especially during retrograde). Planning and execution will resume normally with the next planning cycle.

Users are allowed to select the time it will take for the air unit to make the move. The parameter “Specify Down Time (hours)” in the Campaign Planning View GUI is deactivated (see figure above), but users can edit it in the Data View GUI (see figure below). However, read the note in the figure above for reasons why the value shouldn’t be edited unless absolutely sure.


Limitations: The planned flights can cancel (as described above) even if they are of the utmost priority. The JFACC would have planned the high priority missions to be conducted either by another squadron or at another time than during the squadron move.