Air Pln JAOP Pri Cat Codes: Calculates and reports each day (Planning Cycle) the relative weighting of all the category codes for each JAOP target area. Why is it recalculated every day? First, because it reports whether the task is “complete” during that cycle. And second, because it

Air Plan Cat Code Target List: This instrument records the list of targets mapped to category codes in target areas each planning cycle. Why is it recalculated every day? Because (a) BSEs might move into or out of target areas, (b) BSEs might rout or be produced, and © a BSE’s “Is Target” status could change based on Knowledge Base triggers. Air Pln JAOP Cmpltd Cat Cds: According to the user’s manual, this instrument is triggered when a category code is perceived as having been completed (user-specified percent of a BSE Type attacked and attrited to a user-specified percent), and it records all category codes completed during or prior to this planning cycle. However, recent experience (R2.0 SR2.00) suggests that it reports only category codes which will be completed during that cycle (based upon expected damage planned). A given category code/area/task might appear in multiple cycles, since a category might become “uncomplete” again (due to not having achieved expected damage in a previous cycle, a change in the number of BSEs or their resources, or better perception of resources).

Air Pln JAOP Cmpltd Cat Cds: According to the user’s manual, this instrument is triggered when a category code is perceived as having been completed (user-specified percent of a BSE Type attacked and attrited to a user-specified percent), and it records all category codes completed during or prior to this planning cycle. However, recent experience (R2.0 SR2.00) suggests that it reports only category codes which will be completed during that cycle (based upon expected damage planned). A given category code/area/task might appear in multiple cycles, since a category might become “uncomplete” again (due to not having achieved expected damage in a previous cycle, a change in the number of BSEs or their resources, or better perception of resources).