What is the "glimpse" radius, and what is it for?

Prior to invoking the A2G adjudicator, the attacking Flight will “glimpse” for the target BSE/type. Centered on the target BSE’s last known position/coordinates (which was updated on takeoff for JTCB missions, or was passed by the controller directing the vector), the strike Flight will glimpse (even if its sensors remain turned off via the Sensor Profiles) within the minimum of: 1) a (hardcoded) 10 km glimpse radius; or 2) the platform’s sensor range (minimum of sensor footprint or computed detection distance).

Glimpse is intended for 2 purposes:

  1. During adjudication, how is the specific target BSE determined? That is, what specifically is it glimpsing for?

Let’s look at it by mission:

Note: In this context, “Fixed” is: a) Bridge b) IOCCC2 c) Facility d) Installation

JTCB: Even though the target was planned by specific BSE ID, at the adjudication point the Flight will attempt to locate (glimpse/sense) any BSE of the same BSE Type as the planned target BSE. This accomplishes the intended behavior of being able to detect BSEs by their type, while not being able to distinguish between BSEs of the same type.

OnCallStrike (TCT):

CAS/LSEADStrike: These are slightly different than JTCB, since the target and its location were not known prior to takeoff. Additionally, while in some cases the target’s BSE Type will be known (ex. a unit under direct fire will know what type of unit it faces), in other cases the target’s BSE Type will be unknown (ex. a unit under indirect fire may know that it is under fire by an artillery unit, but not know the specific type or task organization of the unit).

Reminder: Review [here-] (FAQ 21) for issues relating to multiple BSEs or Types at the same location or distance from the intended target.