What happened to the SOP Data, ROE Data & MinConfig data tables?

There are three tables which became obsolete with the new Flight Group redesign in SR1.6. First is ROEData. This table was originally designed to permit the user to define a radius within which a Flight would “look” for its target once it reached its planned target location. If the target BSE had moved, the Flight would attempt to locate it within the ROE distance. If found, the target was adjudicated; if not, (if the target BSE were a maneuverable BSE) the Flight would adjudicate against any of the same BSE type within that radius. With the Flight Group redesign, for the sake of improving model performance, instead of having to check for an ROE distance for each target, Flights are hard-coded to “glimpse” within a 10 km radius for their target. Second is SOPData. This was originally designed to allow users to govern a Flight’s behavior at its objective. Since it required a greater familiarity with SmallTalk code than most users possessed, and since the only function it commonly served for most users was already accounted for in Flight behavior code, for the sake of performance it was deemed unnecessary. Finally is MinConfig data. This was originally designed to require a Flight to perform an “Ops Check”, a status check of the sufficiency of its fuel and munitions quantity, to accomplish its mission. Since this is already accomplished in the new Flight behavior, it is no longer necessary.