Packaging Dino, Etc.

  1. load zoo.smalltalkbuild.instantiations (not really necessary)
  2. load ENVY/Packager IC Instructions
  3. modify the right class in app EpImageInstructions which in this case is EpKernelInstructions and/or EpCfsNlsInstructions and add the new app (EsLoggingFramework)
  4. use 'browse packaged images' to package EpKernel as a standalone which will update method actuallyIncludedSubapplicationNames
  5. if you are packaging an ic that has kernel as a 'preReq', you must package kernel first and output the image.
  6. you do not need to do packagingRulesFor: except for things that you don't want reduced that have no references, or for classVars that should have some default value or be nil.
  7. CFS related stuff goes in CFS…Instructions. Search for implementors of dumperOptions. There is a Windows and a Unix version.
  8. change dumperOptions to put everything in the same place, then restore the previous editions before saving.
  9. save this new version of the class EpKernelInstructions and app EpImageInstructions as b177 + fbCase a
  10. update the EpImageInstructions app in config map Envy/packager ic instructions and save it as b177 + fbCase a
  11. update Envy/packager ic instructions in the 8.50 TOC

Packaging DinoTestSuite

System productVersion, (System is64BitVM ifTrue: [ ' (64-bit)' ] ifFalse: [ ' (32-bit)' ]) -> '9.1Beta1 (32-bit)'
System imageBuildNumber -> 403

packagingRulesFor: aRuleCollector

	| map nameAndTimeStamp |

		initializeClassVariable: 'TimeStamp'
		to: 'DateAndTime now printString'
		inClassNamed: #EsTTYSunitStartUp.

		initializeClassVariable: 'ConfigMap'
		to: 'Dino2HeadlessSunitPackagingSpecs getNameAndTimeStamp'
		inClassNamed: #EsTTYSunitStartUp.

		initializeClassVariable: 'BuildNumber'
		to: 'System imageBuildNumber'
		inClassNamed: #EsTTYSunitStartUp.



	| map nameAndTimeStamp |

	nameAndTimeStamp := 'Unknown - unknown'.

	(map :=
		(EmConfigurationMap editionsFor: 'DinoSunitOneClick')
			detect: [:each | each isLoaded]
			ifNone: [])
					ifTrue: [
						nameAndTimeStamp := (map printString , ' with time stamp ' ,
							map timeStamp printString)].



EsTTYStartUp subclass: #EsTTYSunitStartUp
    classInstanceVariableNames: ''
    instanceVariableNames: 'verbose debug runningClassOnly alreadyRun failedClasses testResult excludedSelectors startTime includedSelectors '
    classVariableNames: 'BuildNumber ConfigMap TimeStamp '
    poolDictionaries: ''