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Air Munitions Asset Class Codes

Munition - Air to Air

This is necessary to identify which of the SCL's munitions can be used in an air to air adjudication.

Munition - Air to Ground

This is used to identify which munitions can be used for an air-to-ground or air-to-surface adjudication. Then why is there a table called A2G_MUNITION_TYPE? That table is unused and will be deleted in a future release.

Munition - Cruise Missile

This identifier is used to designate those munitions which need to be planned to fly out as cruise missiles (whether air, ground, surface or sub-launched). These then refer to the AIR_CM_PLTFRM_MUN_ASSOC table to determine what the appropriate air asset (ie. cruise missile body) is which will be planned.

Munition - Antiradiation

This is used to identify those munitions which can be used to react to an attempted S2A adjudication. While I have not yet verified this experimentally, it should be possible to include an AR munition in a cruise missile SCL.

Munition - Explicitly Adjudicated Torpedo

This is used to identify air-launched torpedoes which can perform ASW adjudication. Additionally, BSEs with SubsurfaceC2 (submarines) can use these munitions for ship or submarine adjudication.


Not used. Any air munitions of this class will not be employed.

Note: Air-deployed mines are not implemented in JAS. Any mines with AMMOAIR genre are unused, so their asset class is irrelevant.

/volume1/synshare/web/ · Last modified: 2010/01/04 18:04 by