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How does the TPFDD work?

  • JAS moves units (BSEs) in one or more shipments (RLNs, or Requirement Line Numbers)
  • Each RLN has a list of assets with a quantity, an origin, a destination and initiating/triggering event (FDO), transport mode, and a required delivery date based on the FDO or initiating event.
  • In JAS, users may aggregate and/or surrogate assets that higher fidelity, mobility models may explicitly track, e.g., tentage, trailers, miscellaneous unit equipment, etc. Typically, JAS is only interested in major end items and sustainment items.
  • Assets belonging to a unit but not listed in the JTPFDD are considered as IN PLACE in JAS.
  • If any asset appears in a unit RLN, the IN PLACE quantity is set to zero, pending receipt of deliveries.
  • Units activate (can execute orders, etc.) upon the arrival of a user-specified percentage of its critical assets. Users can set a global default value, or a value for a BSEType, or a value for a specific BSE, or any combination.
  • Assets delivered to POD prior to a unit's activation may be attrited. Attrition can affect the unit's ultimate activation (or failure)
  • JAS has two execution modes of interest: atDestination and atPOE.
    • atDestination - assets arrive (virtually, i.e., no explicit transporters) per the JTPFDD, assumes perfect execution
      • atPOE - JTPFDD flows from origin (Port of Embarkation) to destination based on transport availability, loading, and subject to attrition and POD closure
    • Transportation from a POD to another installation or staging area is accomplished using IntraTheater lift or organic resources.
/volume1/synshare/web/ · Last modified: 2008/11/22 20:37 by