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How can I share overlays with others?

Several ways. You can compare and merge overlays (within the same sim version). You can export them to a JAR (but be aware that there is a length limit for JAR tables). Or, thanks to (you guessed it) an overlay developed by JFCOM J9, you can export all overlays into a single XML file for editing, sharing or documentation. In order to use this function (with J9’s openMethodSourceOverlay overlay in your scenario), when you open the Method Source Overlay tool (as described [above-]), the HCI overlays will be applied. At that point, “opening” the overlay tool again will open two boxes in succession, prompting you to select an XML file to export or import. If you don’t wish to export or import an XML file, simply click “Cancel”.

/volume1/synshare/web/ · Last modified: 2008/11/23 19:38 by