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What’s the easy way to enter an overlay in R2.00SR2.01?

The hard way would be to either enter it in Data View or compare & merge in a “spare” one and then edit it. The easy way is to paste the following into the Workspace Browser (if you have open image), replace the blue text with relevant info, and execute. Better yet, upgrade to R2.00SR2.30DTRA (or later).

[|SCRstring className selector isOnClassSide sourceCode|

SCRstring := 'Enter ICR Description Here'.

className := #enterClassNameHere.

selector := #enterSelectorNameHere:.

isOnClassSide := false.

sourceCode := ’Either enter source code here, or execute this block and enter the source code in the Data View’.

self jwarsApplicationWindow theScenario dynamicBehaviorData addMethodSourceOverlay: (


newWithClassName: className

selector: selector

isOnClassSide: isOnClassSide

sourceCode: (‘“’, SCRstring, ‘”’,LineDelimiter, LineDelimiter, sourceCode))]

/volume1/synshare/web/ · Last modified: 2008/11/23 19:12 by