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What are PhaseIndependent, StateIndependent, and a state called "DEFAULT"?

PhaseIndependent and StateIndependent have long been available in the CP. Default has a different purpose in different parts of the code.

  • Collection Plan (let’s review the organization of the CP)
  • PhaseIndependent
    • Any CP data in PhaseIndependent applies to all states in all phases
  • StateIndependent
    • Any CP data in StateIndependent applies to all states within that phase in addition to the above
  • [State Name]
  • Any CP data specifically defined for that state is used in addition to either/both Phase/StateIndependent
  • Only if there is no CP data for any of the above will data in DEFAULT be used
  • Knowledge Base
  • PhaseIndependent and StateIndependent are not used in the KB
    • DEFAULT is not used (unless the user creates a state specifically with that name in General Phases and States):
  • Phases & States defined in General Phases and States are available for selection in KB GUIs:
  • Air Planning (ACO/ARP/JAOP/TCT/ADP/LASP/etc)
  • PhaseIndependent and StateIndependent have been newly introduced (with the DTRA release) into air planning, but are only used to support CP
    • They are selectable in CP in order to allow air planning to account for ISR planning being PhaseIndependent and StateIndependent
      • They are selectable in ACO in order to define those ISR orbits which will be used across Phase/StateIndependent
        • When viewing ACO data for a specific state, the Phase/ StateIndependent are visible but “grayed out” and non-selectable, to inform users that those data are available to use, but can only be edited under Phase/StateIndependent
  • They are not yet used for other air plans (ex. ADP/DCA), though that is a probable area for future development
    • They may make navigating the GUI a little more difficult until users become familiar
      • If either Phase- or StateIndependent is selected in the ACO or CP, users cannot select another plan (ex. ADP) without first deselecting them (since they don’t exist in other plans)
        • If, by selecting ADP, the phase and state were reset to another (ex. Phase1, State1), users might not be aware
  • DEFAULT state is not used
    • The original intent was to allow data in the DEFAULT state in that phase to be used if plans (ex. ADP) data were missing from a state executed
      • This was never fully implemented

Note: Avoid using the same name for states in two different phases; this may cause behavioral problems.

/volume1/synshare/web/ · Last modified: 2008/11/23 18:30 by