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In the JAOP GUI, what does "Success Necessary" mean?

If there are 3 target Category Codes listed in a particular task in the JAOP, and one of them is checked as “Success Necessary”, then the task will be considered completed when the (% of Targets to Attack, Required Damage Level) requirements for that Category Code have been met, even if the Category Codes not checked as “Success Necessary” remain incomplete.

If an Objective A has a successor Objective B, the successor Objective B can begin being planned as soon as all of Objective A’s tasks are completed. For a task to be considered complete, all of its Category Codes marked “Success Necessary” must have been satisfied. Thus, if a Category Code is not marked “Success Necessary”, then it is not necessary for it to have been satisfied. This is intended to allow the user flexibility to designate some Category Codes as “optional”.

Caution: If all the Category Codes in a task are unchecked for “Success Necessary”, then that task will never be planned; in that sense, a Category Code will only be treated as “optional” if at least one of them is “Success Necessary”.

/volume1/synshare/web/ · Last modified: 2008/11/22 22:38 by