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What do the A2G instruments show?

This will try to show how the different A2G instruments relate.

  • If an engagement ID is shown in the Adj A2G Muns Ret, it indicates that the Flight detected the target BSE, invoked the A2G adjudicator against it, and the adjudicator did not use all of the munitions (due to (a) munition ineffectiveness in the current weather band, (b) no munition effectiveness against any remaining resource items, or © damage criteria met [unconfirmed; the Flight may expend remaining munitions to exceed the damage criteria, even on less valuable resource items]). The adjudicator returns unused munitions to the Flight.
  • If an engagement ID is shown in the Adj A2G Engagement, it indicates that the Flight was able to expend munitions during the adjudication.
  • The existence of an AirToGroundStrike action in the Air ATO Exec AME Arrival doesn’t necessarily mean that the Flight called the A2G adjudicator; it might simply indicate what was in the Flight’s flight plan. For example, at the AirToGroundStrike point, the Flight may not be able to detect the BSE type, and so won’t invoke the adjudicator. Unfortunately, in this case, the Flight simply continues its flight plan; none of the A2G instruments contain a reference to an A2G engagement, munitions expenditure or retention. An incomplete enhancement attempted to expand the Adj A2G Muns Ret instrument to report the munitions retained, and provide the reason.
/volume1/synshare/web/ · Last modified: 2008/11/22 23:02 by