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What triggers a S2A Engagement?

There are two parts to this: What events will cause a Flight to register with a UnitMEZ (for consideration for future adjudication), and which ones will trigger the actual adjudication.

Registration Events
Intermediate Takeoff
Enter MEZ
MEZ Activation
Air Launch Cruise Missiles

S2A Adjudication Trigger Events
Exit MEZ
Arrive on Orbit *
Request Landing **
Invoke Any Adjudicator (except ABL)
MEZ Deactivate

In software terms, the trigger events are: FlightGroupDied, FlightGroupAboutToAttack, FlightGroupOrbitArrive and FlightGroupAboutToLand.

* Except Amphibious waves, since their “orbit” is really a placeholder for “delay on ground for a timeperiod to offload”. Unsure about HCAS/HCASWC

** Again, since Amphibious waves did not request intermediate landing, they didn’t trigger S2A adjudication. Unsure about HCAS/HCASWC

See [FAQ-] 47

/volume1/synshare/web/ · Last modified: 2008/11/22 22:03 by