Code Assist
As a reminder, the following is a list of default keyboard shortcuts. This can be found in Transcript→Options→Code Assist→Configure… | Select “Code Completion” from Feature box | Press “Key Bindings” on the bottom right of the pane.
- *Code Completion*
- *<Ctrl+Space> - Request Code Completion*
- *The following keys reflect the current settings that impact completion
- insertions.*
- *<Enter> - (Append Mode) Insert Selected Completion *
- *<Shift+Enter> - (Append Mode) Insert Selected Completion and Jump To Next
- Argument*
- *<Ctrl+Enter> - (Overwrite Mode) Insert Selected Completion*
- *<Ctrl+Shift+Enter> - (Overwrite Mode) Insert Selected Completion and Jump
- To Next Argument*
- *The following key sequences are used to perform live filtering in the
- completion popup.*
- *Changes to the various filter settings will be reset once the popup
- closes.*
- *<Ctrl+Shift+P> - Public/Private/All Method Visiblity*
- *<Ctrl+Shift+O> - Show/Hide Methods Defined in Object*
- *<Ctrl+Shift+I> - Inner/Outer Receivers Sort First for Method Completions*
- *<Ctrl+Shift+U> - System/Prereq Application Visibility*
- *<Ctrl+Shift+H> - Enable/Disable Prefer Hierarchy Sort for Method
- Completions*
- *The following key sequences are used to open browsers on selected
- completions.*
- *<Ctrl+Shift+M> - Open a Definition/Implementors Browser*
- *<Ctrl+Shift+N> - Open a References/Senders Browser*
codeassist.txt · Last modified: 2015/04/08 14:18 by