Installing Emsrv
- create admin emsrv user
- Start cmd as admin
- cd \avast\runemsrv
- emsrv -install -mp -u emsrv -p emsrv
- This worked on lenovo 11/5/17 emsrv -install -mp -u emsrv -p emsrv -W c:\avast\runemsrv. emsrv is not an admin user
- EMSRV installed.
- emsrv will not start from services until you make changes to the Log On tab to have emsrv log on
- Message file emsrvmsg.dll copied to C:\Windows\system32\emsrvmsg.dll.
- No longer need the -mp switch 10/23/2017
- 3/21/2018 on Alliosn VM used emsrv -install -u donald -p w01, then set logon in services as donald
- dell win10 2022/1/12 emsrv -install -u emsrv -p emsrv -W c:\avast\runemsrv. emsrv is not an admin user
installingemsrv.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/12 11:09 by