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Config Maps
2021 03 04
- recreated a jacs of size 7929 like the one from 2/18 using XXX.
- spoke too soon. created a new jacs, and both now get 126 errors from getHostName calls.
- library error 5.01 is from EmLibraryAccess. Not sure why it's in jacs.
- jacs starts! and prints a jacs.log. problem was that there was a whJacs.icx in progDir/jas
- progData\jas needs an xml sub dir with .dtds, etc.
- 9.1 jacs is blowing up trying to do
localHostName "Return the local hostname of the machine." ^SciSocketManager default getHostName
It creates a .sdf file which can be read by 9.2 after you load Server Workbench Base, then create an XD image, load the map, select Processes from the Debugger and load the sdf file.
- Todo: recreate current whJacs.icx
- Todo: new emsrv
- Todo: add name and version of packaging map to jas.log
- Todo: kill …/bin
2021 03 03
- copied 9.1 to progFiles\jasOi
- renamed pf/jas to pf/jasOld
- renamed pf/jas91 to pf/jas
- updated pf/jas with all files from pf/jasOi
- did the following copy and rename in pf/jas
- nodialog
- whAdmin
- whJads
- whSim
- abtntsrv
- whAudit
- whEnv
- whJacs
- abt
- wHci
- wVP
2021 02 18
WRONG —> applicationsToPackage from a loaded set of packaging instructions does tell the packager what to package. actualIncludedSubapplications is output of what apps are packaged.
Creating Jacs from a clean jacs 75 image and finalmgr still has 2 methods that do not compile and produces an icx of just 2+ mesg.
Loading jas jso in dev image gets by the gdk compile error, but no the two rule creations in jwvjacs.
Found XD.JACS.20.320 from JOS on synshare. Hooked it up to finalMgr75.dat, laoded JSO and pkg instructions (JAS Packaging Instructions R2.0 DR2.30s ) in dev, then packaged (JAS Packaging: Jacs R2.0 SR3.20) in XD. No problems with JwvJacsApp packaging rules (even though the EpPackagerRule is not loaded), and image size is 6986. Image starts as a service with map and time stamp values. Missing some gdk stuff.
2/18/2021 6:30:39 PM | Info : Encryption interface initialized in FIPS mode 18 Feb 2021 18 30 39 | Warning : The setting {EncryptionEnabled} is missing under the section {Oracle}. A default value of false is being used. 18 Feb 2021 18 30 39 | Info : Message Log Launched on jacs.log 18 Feb 2021 18 30 39 | Trace : Launched server listener on [Hostname is WIN-QSG131TJSNJ] 18 Feb 2021 18 30 39 | Trace : MISSING GdkMsgLaunched in gdk 18 Feb 2021 18 30 39 | Info : Reading Configuration File - jacs.ini 18 Feb 2021 18 30 39 | Info : Version Information (Below) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration Map - JAS Packaging: Jacs TimeStamp - 16 November 2010 07:49:07 Version - R2.0 SR3.20 Package TimeStamp - 18 February 2021 18:11:33
JwvJacsApp is R2.0 SR3.15 1.80 in config map Jacs COre 3.,,, and 3.20. GdkSystem r2.0 sr2.01 1.24 in in app GdkKernel (r2.0 SR2.56 1.34) in config map Dist Kernel Kernel 3.00 and 3.12.
XD.JACS.20.320 image has Communication TCP/IP as feature.
Public class methods in GdkObjectServer are included by packaging rules and this pulls in GdkSystem ????
Public class methods in GdkSystem are included by GdkKernel packaging rules.
In a clean91 image, load JAS Dev: JSO(2/15/2021 7:56:42 PM) (with its required maps) and JAS Packaging Instructions R2.0 SR3.17 (with its required maps) in a dev image. Create XD image with just Comm TCP/IP, then Loaded JAS Packaging: Jacs R3.0 SR1.00c (with its required maps). Creates a jacs 0f size 7929 that fails on startup. Errors are in whJacs.log. Cannot find a dll (os error 126). Probably because I am running a 9.1 icx with a 7.5 icx. Still get 2 cannot compile messages.
2021 02 17
applicationsToPackage and actualIncludedSubapplications are OUTPUT from packaging.; they control nothing.
whJacs (11/16/2010) on Chuck's Vista machine is 5237 kb.
EmImageManager»writePassiveImagePropertiesFor: ('UNIX' / 'Windows') -after- the XD images are created
Packaged successfully last JSO jacs of size 6972. No version number or config name, because of XD reduction non-fatal errors/ Also missing some gdk code. see jasLogNew.txt on M6800.
2021 02 16
- Jacs 3.17 does not package. Gets GdkNetworking class packagingRulesfor: error because cannot find SstInvocationHandler
- Jacs 320.0.1 does (29 September 2010) package. Gets load error on GdkSystem but that does not stop packaging.
Loaded JAS Dev: JSO R2.0 SR3.20 (with its required maps) in a clean 7.5 image. This adds XD to the menu. Load packaging instructions. Create XD image. Load Jacs 320.0.1 map. packaging gets this non-fatal error
Packaging Rule Error: Expression does not compile. Creation of a packaging rule by JwvJACSApp class>>#packagingRulesFor: failed. The message used to create the rule was: #initializeClassVariable:to:inClassNamed: The arguments used were: (1) 'ConfigMapTimeStamp' (2) 'JwvJACS assignVersionTimeStampFromLoadedConfigMap' (3) #GdkSystem
Packaging continues and creates whJacs,icx size 2135. ←— Too small.
Jas Dev JSO 1.03 want to load DK obj Share 1.02 and 1.03. Loaded Jas Dev JOS 1.02 and Jas pkg 1.02 in dev image. Create XD. Loading Jas Jacs 103.c fails with no req map for Trail blazer. 1.02b loads. Packaging asks Workstation address not set? twice then takes 3 minutes to create a whjacs of size 8181 in C:\Jas\PackagedImage.
2021 02 15
- Jacs has Jacs Core and Jas NT services since 3.17
- Jacs Core has Dist kernel - packaing and jacs base in all maps since 3.17 (last JSO(
Jacs maps
- Jacs R2.0 SR3.17 (last JSO?) fails with: Cannot complete the load because OSSslStructure can only be defined by one of ('SciSslOpenSSLInterface R2.0 SR3.12 6.0.2 [63]' 'OpenSSLCryptoInterfaceApp V 9.1.0 [413]').
- R2.0 SR3.20.0.0 fails for the same reason
- R2.0 SR3.20.0.1 fails for the same reason
- R2.0 SR3.20.0.2 fails for the same reason
- R2.0 SR3.20 (15 November 2010) fails for the same reason
2021 02 14
Purged these two 9.2 maps from jas9.0 which is now jas91.dat. thne update dist kernel and all dependencies.
- Server Smalltalk - TCP Communications (9/25/2018 5:56:26 PM)
- z.ST: Server Smalltalk (SST) - Base (9/25/2018 6:53:54 PM)
- 3/27/2109 is 3.20 with password removed from imp/exp guis. *
- 8/26/2018 Geoviewer SR1.02 and Dist Kernel SR1.01 but diff is required map VWCompat *
- R3.0 SR1.01 DateAndTime now 2018-08-26T12:59:55.189-04:00 remove odbc references - LOADS OK req maps same as 1.00
- R3.0 SR1.00 DateAndTime now 2018-08-25T16:29:47.798-04:00 update to 413 vast 9.1 x86 - LOADS OK
"show names and time stamps of each app in a config map" | map keys which editions | which := 3. map := ((EmConfigurationMap editionsFor: 'JAS Dev: JSO' ) at: which). keys := map applicationNames. editions := map applicationEditions. keys do: [:each|| ts | ts := editions at: each. Transcript show: each, ' ', ts printString ;cr] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "show names of required maps" | map keys which editions sc | which := 4. sc := SortedCollection sortBlock: [:a :b | a name < b name]. map := ((EmConfigurationMap editionsFor: 'JAS Dev: JSO' ) at: which). sc addAll: map requiredMaps. sc do: [:each | Transcript show: each printString;cr]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "find all config map editions > than some date" | map keys which date ts names | date := DateAndTime year: 2018 month:8 day: 1. ts := EmTimeStamp new: date asSeconds. names := EmConfigurationMap configurationMapNames asSortedCollection. names do: [:name | |editions| editions := (EmConfigurationMap editionsFor: name ). editions do: [:each | each timeStamp > ts ifTrue: [Transcript show: name, ' ', each timeStamp printString ;cr]]].