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Packaging Hello World

  1. load hello world map
  2. it is not necessary to do these config map instructions: “Ensure that you have the 'ENVY/XD Examples'
  3. C:\Users\donald\images>“C:\Program Files (x86)\Instantiations\VA Smalltalk\8.5\bin\esvio” -iepappl -lCON
  4. set the path. this is not absolutely necessary but it make the command prompt code easier.
  5. change application entry point in startup code tab to HelloWorld helloWorld
  6. esvio -iepappl -lCON ←————— does not work
  7. nodialog -iepappl -lCON ←———— works with nls errors
  8. put output icx file (here hw.icx) in something like c:\temp.
  9. put abt.ini file in same dir as icx file
  10. run out of progFiles\vast…\nls to get nls messages.
  11. example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Instantiations\VA Smalltalk\8.5\nls>..\bin\nodialog -ic:\temp\hw -lCON -ini:c:\temp\abt.ini
  12. use EsLoggingRuntimePackagingApp which is hello world with logging

Packaging Hello World

jas/packaginghelloworld.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/27 10:16 by