Packaging Dino, Etc.
- load zoo.smalltalkbuild.instantiations (not really necessary)
- load ENVY/Packager IC Instructions
- modify the right class in app EpImageInstructions which in this case is EpKernelInstructions and/or EpCfsNlsInstructions and add the new app (EsLoggingFramework)
- use 'browse packaged images' to package EpKernel as a standalone which will update method actuallyIncludedSubapplicationNames
- if you are packaging an ic that has kernel as a 'preReq', you must package kernel first and output the image.
- you do not need to do packagingRulesFor: except for things that you don't want reduced that have no references, or for classVars that should have some default value or be nil.
- CFS related stuff goes in CFS…Instructions. Search for implementors of dumperOptions. There is a Windows and a Unix version.
- change dumperOptions to put everything in the same place, then restore the previous editions before saving.
- save this new version of the class EpKernelInstructions and app EpImageInstructions as b177 + fbCase a
- update the EpImageInstructions app in config map Envy/packager ic instructions and save it as b177 + fbCase a
- update Envy/packager ic instructions in the 8.50 TOC
Packaging DinoTestSuite
System productVersion, (System is64BitVM ifTrue: [ ' (64-bit)' ] ifFalse: [ ' (32-bit)' ]) -> '9.1Beta1 (32-bit)' System imageBuildNumber -> 403 packagingRulesFor: aRuleCollector | map nameAndTimeStamp | aRuleCollector initializeClassVariable: 'TimeStamp' to: 'DateAndTime now printString' inClassNamed: #EsTTYSunitStartUp. aRuleCollector initializeClassVariable: 'ConfigMap' to: 'Dino2HeadlessSunitPackagingSpecs getNameAndTimeStamp' inClassNamed: #EsTTYSunitStartUp. aRuleCollector initializeClassVariable: 'BuildNumber' to: 'System imageBuildNumber' inClassNamed: #EsTTYSunitStartUp. etc +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ getNameAndTimeStamp | map nameAndTimeStamp | nameAndTimeStamp := 'Unknown - unknown'. (map := (EmConfigurationMap editionsFor: 'DinoSunitOneClick') detect: [:each | each isLoaded] ifNone: []) notNil ifTrue: [ nameAndTimeStamp := (map printString , ' with time stamp ' , map timeStamp printString)]. ^nameAndTimeStamp +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EsTTYStartUp subclass: #EsTTYSunitStartUp classInstanceVariableNames: '' instanceVariableNames: 'verbose debug runningClassOnly alreadyRun failedClasses testResult excludedSelectors startTime includedSelectors ' classVariableNames: 'BuildNumber ConfigMap TimeStamp ' poolDictionaries: ''
jas/packaginginstructions.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/04 14:01 by