Unix Tricks
- See the output of cron by doing
sudo grep CRON /var/log/syslog
- Count lines in files in current directory
find . -type f | xargs cat | wc -l
- MTA errors in cron can be solved by installing Postfix aptitude install postfix. Select the Local only configuration.
- tail -f /var/mail/<your_username>. do
tail -f /var/mail/root
to look at cron errors sent to root's email
- bash scripts start with #!/bin/sh. If you get errors, you may have leading BOM characters (ef bb bf) in your file. Check this by doing
head -n 1 myscript.sh | hexdump -C
- 2>&1 means send stderr to stdout.
- redirects stdout to afile.txt.
echo test 1> afile.txt
- To redirect stderr, you do
echo test 2> afile.txt
unix_tricks.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/27 08:18 by