- Go to VastSunitOneClick Config Map
- Open a new edition (which will become 1.52 (B372))
- Update the Z maps in both config expressions. Be careful here…if there were multiple builds of B372…you will see multiple editions of z maps and you need to chose the right one. Open a stock B372 image and look at the timestamp for the z map in question…this will tell you which timestamp was correct
- Foreach configExpr in config expressions
- Foreach reqMap in configExpr→required maps
- Browse editions and make sure it's the latest one.
- Check this with what was submitted in the Test config expression in the TOC
- If there is some mismatch here…we need to find out why…usually it's fine
- Remember to update both config expressions
- Make note of 1.52 - B372 in the revisions log. I generally like to put what was updated
- Version and you're done.
"get the lastest map" vastMap := (EmConfigurationMap editionsFor: 'VastSunitOneClick') first . "create a new edition" vastMap newEdition. "update the maps" vastMap stsReleaseLatestRequiredMaps
vastsunitoneclick.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/08 16:15 by