If cmake does nothing, from vast-vm, remove the Cmakefiles directory and the (probably recently created) files Makefile, cmake_install.cmake, and CMakeCache.txt.
On Linux, remove and recreate the build dir. 'cmake ..' just runs cmake; do 'make' afterwards to compile. Binaries are in build/bin.
For VS on Windows, 'dinod' to change dirs, then 'cd build', and 'cmake ..'. vast.sln is the VS file.
For gcc on Windows, 'dinod' to change dirs, then 'mingwpath' to set gcc path, then 'cd build', and 'cmakegcc' or dinobg2 to run lcov also.
CTest will update to the latest nightly start time specified in DartConfiguration.tcl as NightlyStartTime.
–schedule-random: Use a random order for scheduling tests. This option will run the tests in a random order. It is commonly used to detect implicit dependencies in a test suite.
set: Set a CMake, cache or environment variable to a given value.
- include(${CTEST_SCRIPT_DIRECTORY}/instvast4_common.cmake)
- set(CTEST_BUILD_NAME “Win2008Server-mingw-gcc47-32bit-debug”)
- set(CTEST_CMAKE_GENERATOR “MinGW Makefiles”) ##
- Set Path - MSVC required for now because we need the linker for asm
- set(dashboard_model “Nightly”)
- set(dashboard_binary_name “mingw_nightly”)
- set(dashboard_do_coverage TRUE)
- set(dashboard_do_memcheck FALSE) include(${CTEST_SCRIPT_DIRECTORY}/dashboard_common.cmake)
- —-
- executables are in vast-vm\build\bin\Debug