- gpfs can be cause by code that does not compile.
- use the script below to find it.
- then execute 'EmMethodEdition useLinker: false' and reload the code/classes.
[ | apps cms | cms := Dictionary new. apps := Application currentlyLoaded select: [ :app | "app name startsWith: 'S'." app name = #DeflateInflateApp. ]. apps do: [ :app | | classes | Transcript cr; show: 'Testing app: ', app printString. EsLogManager loggerNamed: 'test' info: 'test' object: 'Testing: ', app printString. app isEdition ifFalse: [ app newEdition. ]. classes := OrderedCollection new addAll: app classes; addAll: ( app classes collect: [ :cls | cls class ] ); yourself. classes := classes reject: [ :cls | cls name asString = 'Object' ]. classes := classes reject: [ :cls | cls name asString = 'Object class' ]. classes do: [ :cls | ( cls methodNamesIn: app ) do: [ :sel | | cm | cm := cls compiledMethodAt: sel. ( cms at: cls ifAbsentPut: [ Dictionary new ] ) at: sel put: cm. ]. ]. classes do: [ :cls | EsLogManager loggerNamed: 'test' info: 'test' object: 'Testing: ', app printString, ' ', cls printString. Compiler evaluate: cls definitionString for: ( EmEvaluationRedirectionToCurrentImage new ) ifFail: [ :error | ]. ( cls methodNamesIn: app ) do: [ :sel | | cm src ncm | cm := ( cms at: cls ) at: sel. src := cls sourceCodeAt: sel. ncm := cls basicCompile: src notifying: cls ifFail: []. cm bytecodes = ncm bytecodes ifFalse: [ Transcript cr; show: 'Failed method: ', cm printString. EsLogManager loggerNamed: 'test' info: 'test' object: 'Failed method: ', cm printString. ]. ]. ]. ]. ] forkNamed: 'Recompile' =============================================================== CompiledMethod withAllSubclasses inject: OrderedCollection new into: [:all :cmCls | | failedToCompile | failedToCompile := cmCls allInstances reject: [:e | e compiledCorrectly]. all addAll: failedToCompile; yourself]
gpfs.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/13 10:51 by