Table of Contents
Packaging HCI
- HCI version must match sim, currently 3.20
- HCI is not an XD image
- Help→About JAS shows info about maps and versions and dates
- JAS Packaging HCI version 2022 04 22 WORKS
- find and fix dq
- remove mySql method JwDataObjectManager»tableNameForEnsureTableExists after fixing jacs use 2.57 3.21 DONE
- find and fix isNegative DONE
- fix Version Info in JwvHciSystem DONE
- update AbtOracleBaseApp to [453]c DONE
- JwarsAboutDialog»normalText has About info DONE
- open image run is kicked off by JwgSimulationCoordinator»executeSimulationOnScenarioData: aScenarioData DONE
HCI probably obsolete below
- Load jas sr1.02b into a clean image.
- added sst web services feature to required maps in 1.02b
- load jas pkg instructions 1.00c
- packager creates 38360 icx which starts but then cannot find jacs.
- Load jas hci 9/ or sr1.02 into a clean image.
- load sst web services feature.
- add AbtImageConfigurationApp to app list in pkg instructions 1.00B
- load jas pkg instructions 1.00B
- packager create 38205 icx which blows up with in PamCore»preStartUp with nil DNU readIniFIle.
- Load jas hci 9/ or sr1.02 into a clean image.
- load sst web services feature
- load jas pkg instructions and use latest verssion of NT pkg instructions
- packager create 7929 icx which blows up with in PamCore»preStartUp with nil DNU readIniFIle.
hci.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/21 14:09 by