Time Zones
- there are two methods (test and test2) in EsTimeZoneRule that will print out tz database info.
- to compile new time zone data on a linux machine; this was done on Fedora.
- run 'ftp ftp.iana.org'
- user is anonymous and password is your email address
- 'cd tz'
- 'get tzdata-latest.tar.gz'
- 'get tzcode-latest.tar.gz'
- 'quit' ftp
- create a temporary time zone directory, e.g., /home/donald/tz which we will call TopDir
- move both *.gz files to TopDir
- change to TopDir
- run 'tar -xzvf tzdata-latest.tar.gz'
- run 'tar -xzvf tzcode-latest.tar.gz'
- do 'chmod 666 Makefile to make it read/write.
- edit Makefile and change the line (number 40) TOPDIR= /usr/local to TOPDIR= /home/donald/tz
- save Makefile
- run 'make other_two' This will create $TopDir/etc/zoninfo-posix and $TopDir/etc/zoneinfo-leaps. The former has Dst info and the latter has Dst info and leap seconds.
- Copy both of these directories (and their sub-directories) to $VaRoot/zoneinfo.
- Add these lines to the template that creates the abt.ini file for Windows
[Timezones] zoneinfoPath=$VaRoot/zoneinfo/zoneinfo-posix
- — stic 2012 ————
- Time class mutateObj*. see Time test case.
- do not deprecate ANSI methods
- use Dumper → byteArrya and put contents in method.
- does windows have historical tz data?
- create an exception for bad dt and proceed wiht something.
- don't use abtError
- do explain mismatched preregs
- deprecate old dt constructors and make list
- look at subApp config expressions
- read single files.
- find system call to get tz info on linux
- make offset: do the right thing
- create GMT+1:34 on the fly
- get rid of offset as an instVar
- read versionString
- ——————————
- chronos download is b196. vw pulls b202 from contributed.
- Chronos uses instances of either CalendarDuration or CivilDuration to represent durations of civil time.
- An interval of time has a beginning, and end, and a duration.
- DateAndTime now return the current date and time with an offset (a Duration) of 18000 seconds or 5 hours. The offset comes from the primitive primitiveSystemOffset.
- sending asUTC to that object add the negated duration to the time and sets offset to zero. so asUTC is the same as converting to GMT.
- sending asLocal reapplies the systemOffset and sets the offset to that of the system
- timeZoneName is not implemented and throws an error
- ——–
- How to write a DST primitive?
- What does chaining TimeZones together mean?
- Will DateAndTime calculations now always involve TZs?
- Olson versus tz?
- Ubuntu may have tzName in /etc/timezone
- Fedora will have tzName in /etc/sysconfig/clock
- Aix has a TZ= line in /etc/environment
timezones.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/30 12:45 by