- Which style of WSDL should I use?
- Difference between Document and RPC Style Web Services
- WSDL is Web services Description Language (IBM and Microsoft 2001)
- Web services are published by registering their descriptions and use policies with the UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) registry.
- Service is the server software
- Service Provider is the server platform
- A service registry describes the services available from the service provider.
- Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) make RPC calls over HTTP.
- The deployment descriptor is an XML file that provides meta information about the service, such as the implementation class and the location of the service WSDL.
- WSDL files are an XML document that describes the public interface for a service.
- Mapping file is an XML document used to specify rules for mapping XML document elements into Smalltalk classes.
- Put the methods are to be exposed as operations in the service interface in the method category '@WS-API'.
- The run SstWSXmlGeneration forClass: SstWSInsurancePolicyInterface.
- - 1. <class name>'.wsdl' (WSDL implementation document)
- - 2. <class name>'-interface.wsdl' (WSDL interface document)
- - 3. <class name>'.xml' (VA Smalltalk web service deployment descriptor)
- A Web services container acts as a 'home' for the different services.
- The .wsdl file has vasthost in it
- How do they typically package? ICs? Most do not use ICs.
- We do import multiple schemas properly (.xsd) wachovia 36513
- also see 32480
- get familiar with message context
- should we fix the generator?
- use files instead of fake server?
- users want support for WsPolicy
- users want Rest-ful Web Service (joachim has implementation and did a webinar - ask John)
- improve error handling
- there is a wsdl 2.0
- expeditors and chubb and fiserv and prudential (antonio)
- doc literal is the standard and all are using it
- Soap 1.1 versus 1.2? What do they use? both - a requirement from firserv.
- abxXmlBasicTools - look at comments for ws code. can generate mapping spec (.map) look at samples/sstws/*.map
- NameSpaceURI must match across files
- dtd is obsolete; use schema (.xsd) files
- input from a server is a wsdl file and maybe a .xsd
- take .xsd file and using abtXmlBasicTools, create Smalltalk classes and a mapping spec
- main problems are deploying, creating a soap envelope to send, can't deserialize a response (bad mapping or schema failed to import
- * Do users do much customization? No
- Are the debugging tips helpful to the users? Yes
- Both client and server has a container? yes, this a java web services artifact.
- How to tell a container SstWsContainer.
- Generally one web service = one wsdl
- Client container sends and receives.
- why not use localhost instead of vasthost in examples? Duh!
- bob long and dave arnold know what they are doing. expeditors too. maybe not mitzi.
- a test case is the wsdl, schemas, mapping spec and the corresponding ST classes and a workspace that will invoke the web service or the response. generally users know which side the problem is on. diane has a fake sender that is in the documentation.
- testing with two images on the same machine is good enough.
<provider type="SmalltalkProvider"> <vast:provider className="SstWSInsurancePolicyInterface" creationMethod="new"/>
that tells the container that the service can serve up responses
wsdl.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/30 08:29 by