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Workspace Scripts

  System loadedApplications select: [:each | each name = #Chronos].
  self subApplications do: [:sa |
      sa defined do: [:each | each comment notEmpty
          ifTrue: [Transcript show: each name;cr.
                   Transcript show:each **comment**;cr.
                   Transcript show: '++++++++++++';cr	]]]

Print Numbers

| stream number |
number := self testResult timeOfTestsIn: aTest.
stream := WriteStream on: (String new: 20).
Locale current lcNumeric printNumber: number on: stream.
^stream contents


"Answer a copy of the receiver as a String."
| string |
string := String new.
self do: [:each | string := string , (each abtHexPaddedTo: 2) , ' '].

Change File Time

CfsDirectoryDescriptor>>changeTime: path to: stCtime

	| func dd handle accessTime modifiedTime creationTime rtn ctime |

	func :=
			callingConvention: 'c'
			function: 'SetFileTime'
			library: 'kernel32.dll'
			parameterTypes: #(pointer pointer pointer pointer)
			returnType: #int32.

	handle := self createFile: path.

"	(dd := CfsDirectoryDescriptor opendir: path pattern: '*' mode: FREG | FDIR) isCfsError
		ifTrue: [^self error: dd message].
	handle := dd firstEntry."

	ctime := (DateAndTime date: stCtime first time: stCtime last) asNanoseconds.
	ctime := ByteArray fromLargeInteger: ctime.

	modifiedTime :=
		creationTime :=
			CfsOSFiletime new
				dwHighDateTime: (ctime uint32At: 1);
				dwLowDateTime: (ctime uint32At: 4);

	accessTime :=
		CfsOSFiletime new
			dwHighDateTime: 0;
			dwLowDateTime: 0;
	"	modifiedTime := CfsOSFiletime new dwHighDateTime: 0; dwLowDateTime: 0; yourself."

	rtn := func callWith: handle with: creationTime with: accessTime with: modifiedTime.
CfsDirectoryDescriptor>>createFile: path

	| func access share security creation flags templateFile rtn |

	func :=
			callingConvention: 'c'
			function: 'CreateFileA'
			library: 'kernel32.dll'
			parameterTypes: #(pointer uint32 uint32 pointer uint32 uint32 pointer)
			returnType: #int32.

	access := 2.
	share := 0.
	security := nil.
	creation := 3.
	flags := 0.
	templateFile := 0.

	rtn :=
			callWith: path
			with: access
			with: share
			with: security
			with: creation
			with: flags
			with: templateFile.

	rtn = 0 ifFalse: [self halt. CfsFileDescriptor getLastError].

| collection dd de name new maxYear|

"There is NO WAY to change directory creation time via code. Set the date and do a copy"
"This works on files"
 name := 'C:\Program Files (x86)\JAS\_jvm\bin'.
 name :=  'C:\temp\xyzzy'.
collection := OrderedCollection new. maxYear := 2010. 
(dd := CfsDirectoryDescriptor     opendir: name     pattern: '*' mode: FREG | FDIR) isCfsError         ifTrue: [^self error: dd message].
 [(de := dd readdir) notNil]     whileTrue: [collection add: de]. 
new := collection select: [:each | each stCtime first year > maxYear or:[each stMtime first year > maxYear ]].
Transcript show: 'Before ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++';cr.
new do: [:each ||type| type := each isDir ifTrue: ['dir'] ifFalse: ['file'].Transcript show: type, ' ', each dName, '   A->', each stAtime printString, '   C->', each stCtime printString, '   M->', each stMtime printString;cr].
new do: [:each ||type path | path := name, '\', each dName. each isDir 
	ifTrue: [each stCtime first year: maxYear. CfsDirectoryDescriptor changeTime: path to: each stCtime] 
	ifFalse: [each stMtime first year: maxYear. CfsFileDescriptor touch: path  time: each stMtime]].
Transcript show: 'After ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++';cr.
new do: [:each | Transcript show: each dName, '   A->', each stAtime printString, '   C->', each stCtime printString, '   M->', each stMtime printString;cr].
dd closedir.
wsscripts.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/28 10:19 by